Nikita Zhevnitskiy

Work experience

(05.2020 - current) - Knowit - Consultant


  • Posten Bring
    Building and maintaining infrastructure platform for the Norwegian Post Office.  
    Tech stack: Terraform, Azure, Kubernetes, Java, Docker 
  • Skatteetaten
    Building the future of infrsutructure for the Norwegian Tax Department.  
    Tech stack: HashiCorp, Terraform, VSphere, Nomad, Consul, Ansible 

(06.2017 - 05.2020) - Sysco AS - Consultant


  • Norsk-Tipping
    Building streaming data platform.  
    Tech stack: Apache Kafka, Java, OpenShift, Confluent services 
  • Vigilo
    Building integration between kindergarden   
    & Det Sentrale Folkeregister.  
    Tech stack: Camel, Java, Docker
  • Helgeland Kraft AS
    Building new features & bugs :) for product Infosak.  
    Tech stack: Apache Kafka, Java, ElasticSearch, 
    Scala, Docker, Dropwizard, Akka, Zipkin,
    Opentracing, Prometheus, Grafana
  • SFE AS
    Building new features & bugs :) for product Infokomp.  
    Tech stack: Apache Kafka, Java, ElasticSearch, 
    Scala, Docker, Dropwizard, Akka, Zipkin,
    Opentracing, Prometheus, Grafana

(08.2016 - 07.2017) - Westerdals Oslo ACT - Veileder

Teaching assistant: 
Java (PGR101)
Database (MySQL DB1100) 
Digital technology (TK1100)


Westerdals Oslo ACT (2015-2018)

Bachelor degree: programming.

Institute the European Business School (2006-2011)

Bachelor degree: economics.



  • English
  • Norwegian
  • Russian
  • Spanish